IP Videos

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Introducing – AI for the lifecycle of innovation. Harness the ROI potential of innovative change.

Video Resources

Introducing – AI for the lifecycle of innovation

Harness the ROI potential of innovative change. 


Introducing the Innovation Power Suite

The service offerings of® are more than standalone pieces of software. They form an integrated suite that accelerates innovation. 


Introducing InnovationQ+

InnovationQ+™ is an innovation and IP decision support workflow solution packed with powerful data analytics and competitive insights that enable informed, rapid decisions—reducing costs, maximizing ROI, and accelerating innovation.


The New Way to Protect Intellectual Property in the Digital Age

Sam Baxter, from®, explains how IP protection works and how it can benefit from artificial intelligence.


Manage and Protect Your Intellectual Property

The services of® are built on the expertise of industry professionals and guide businesses through the innovation lifecycle, from innovation consulting to IP management.


Write Better Invention Disclosures

IQ Ideas+™ is an AI-powered workflow that finds relevant prior art and sparks new ideas for consideration, ideal for engineering and innovation teams looking for novel ways to solve a problem. IQ Ideas+ goes one step further.’s Technology Vitality Report with Instant Feedback on Inventions

Improve your invention disclosure review process with less effort. The AI-enabled, automated Technology Vitality Report allows you to quickly rank ideas in a fast, efficient, and transparent way.

Streamline the Invention Evaluation Process

Stay ahead of competitors and optimize your IP strategy with’s Portfolio Intelligence Report (PIR). The PIR takes a comprehensive and qualitative look at patent portfolios. 

Gain Competitive Intelligence with InnovationQ+™

Accelerate your research and development work with InnovationQ+TM. A powerful and proprietary semantic engine that enables you to quickly identify prior art references related to the novelty or obviousness of an invention.

Visualize Your Patent Search

See what’s different in your intellectual property space with InnovationQ+®‘s semantic map, providing a picture of useful information that shows how you measure up to your competition.

Who is

Learn more about’s professional intellectual property products and services that can benefit your organization. We are improving the world through innovation and helping companies get to market faster.

Driving Innovation Forward, Faster with our Technology Vitality Report and AIDE

Organizations that process large volumes of ideas are intent on accelerating innovation to get key technologies protected, and get to market faster.

Driving Innovation Forward

Discover our new AI-based solution that delivers real-time novelty and market position scoring.

Technology Vitality Report Introduction

This video is an overview of the features and benefits the Technology Vitality Report has to offer.

How to Defensively Publish

Learn how to defensively publish your disclosures with by watching this quick and easy video tutorial.

How to Find Surprising Insights in Your Prior Art Search

Make sure there is no easy way to design around your patent.’s CTO Sam Baxter shows you how to find surprising insights in your prior art search.

Patent Analytics for the C-Suite’s CTO Sam Baxter shows you how to provide patent analytics for the c-suite in this video.

Integrate Financial Info into Patent Data with Corporate Tree

Ready to know what companies are doing in your intellectual property space? With InnovationQ+TM and Corporate Tree, you have the ability to develop a complete portfolio of your competitors.

Improve Patent Ideation and Monetization with InnovationQ®

With semantic search and advanced Boolean query, InnovationQ+TM is the perfect tool for patent ideation and precise patent analysis.