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Our Freedom to Operate (FTO) patent search service helps identify potential patent barriers to commercializing your products or technologies. This due diligence process examines the claims language of third-party, in-force patents to assess your risk of possible infringement. An FTO search aims to identify in-force patents or published patent applications with claims that cover the technology, process, or product you are targeting.

Unlock more Freedom to Innovate with Professional Services from

How we deliver is just as important as what we offer. When you choose, you can trust that you’re working with a team of vetted, highly qualified subject matter experts. We provide the industry depth and expertise you need, with certainty and confidentiality.


The Freedom to Operate service process gives you transparency and insights into any limitations your intellectual property may face. It concludes if a proposed commercial product or process may be made, used, sold, or offered for sale without infringing another party’s intellectual property rights.

Obtaining an FTO report can be very beneficial as a preemptive measure to defend a company in patent litigation against assertions of willful infringement and exposure to potential damages. By minimizing litigation risks, an FTO opinion can also minimize potential investors’ concerns about the marketability of the company’s product, process, or service.

The goals of conducting an FTO search include:

  • Support the clearance of your products, technologies, or processes
  • Conduct patent infringement risk assessments
  • Uncover licensing needs
  • Provide direction for your product development program

Our FTO search Service includes:

  • In-force patents
  • Published pending patent applications
  • Expired patents (as potential clearing documents)
  • Performance of broad, full-text searches on patent databases in your particular countries of interest

Ready to get started?

Your Freedom to Operate sample report is on its way!
Freedom to Operate News & Resources
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