Assess your patent portfolio value and stay ahead of competitors while optimizing your IP strategy with customized innovation intelligence delivered by our Portfolio Intelligence Report. Our Portfolio Intelligence Report (PIR) can help you quickly rank and understand portfolios of patented and patent-pending technologies. It’s generated using advanced linguistics, a powerful cognitive search engine, and a statistical process to qualitatively analyze both patent application publications and granted patents from the top 7 (T7) authorities: IP5 + WIPO + Germany.
Are you looking to vet an acquisition candidate or identify competitors’ key technologies? Or, are you trying to understand your own portfolio for critical decisions, such as finding exceptional patents from your existing assets or assessing renewals and maintenance fee payments?
Our Portfolio Intelligence Report (PIR) can help you quickly rank and understand portfolios of patented and patent-pending technologies. The results of this IP assessment allow you to identify critical innovations.
Our innovation intelligence leverages objective AI-based scoring across various metrics derived from the closest technologies. The PIR is powered by T7 Authority Analysis, offering near-global coverage using Gist® and ensuring the breadth and depth needed for research. Using a combination of leading and lagging indicators of relevance, the PIR provides valuable data points across the innovation lifecycle for your technologies, new and old.
Download your guide to AI-driven analytics packed with actionable data!
Coming up with new ideas is one thing. Deciding how to best leverage them in a crowded patent landscape is another, especially when a large IP portfolio is involved. Without the right tools, each step of the innovation lifecycle becomes a minefield of complexity that wastes resources, time and money—or worse— loses an organization its competitive advantage.
Download our brochure now to see how our AI-driven analytics help creators and IP stakeholders cut through intellectual property development and management risks in minutes.
Maximize Portfolio Value
Patent value is the basis for most substantive decisions related to patents. The patent value might be used to assess a single patent’s commercial or enforcement qualities in a licensing negotiation or to analyze large-scale patent collections to maximize portfolio asset value.
- Meaningful patent analysis
- 100% web-based for simple, fast management of portfolios
- Reliable, transparent metrics
- Comprehensive evaluations of patent assets
- Actionable identification of strengths and weaknesses
- Accelerates the critical decisionmaking process
- Discovers exclusive data needed to gain advantage on competitors
- Increases company value by improving all IP-related processes
- Improves licensing information, R&D, and annuity budget reduction
- Identifies patents that are at risk
- Validates M&A due diligence quickly and efficiently
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Assess your patent portfolio, IP strategy, and competitive advantage with customized intelligence delivered by our Portfolio Intelligence Report.
Patent News & Resources
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From enhancing diagnostic accuracy to streamlining administrative tasks, AI is revolutionizing how healthcare providers deliver care and patients experience it. With its ability to analyze vast amounts of data quickly and accurately, AI is not only improving patient outcomes but also reducing costs and freeing up valuable time for medical professionals. This technological advancement is poised to redefine the future of healthcare, making it more personalized, accessible, and effective.
IP Strategy Series: How to Craft an IP Strategy Across Your Corporation
Intellectual Property (IP) is a cornerstone of competitive advantage and a crucial element in the innovation-driven economy. A comprehensive IP strategy not only protects a company’s intangible assets but also drives business growth and market positioning. Effective IP management requires a multidisciplinary approach that integrates innovation, marketing, human resources, procurement, financial, and legal considerations
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