Bring your innovations to market faster! Position your research and development team to increase internal efficiency, reduce outsourcing costs, and improve patentability with solutions from®. Our world-class Professional Services team speeds up your innovation workflows, completing essential research, analytics, editing, and reporting tasks using industry-leading expertise and our AI-driven solutions.
Innovation Partner
Secure, Scalable Services from a Trusted Partner
Bring your innovations to market faster! Position your research and development team to increase internal efficiency, reduce outsourcing costs, and improve patentability with solutions from Rapid innovation requires rapid intelligence. Our world-class Professional Services team speeds up your innovation workflows, completing essential research, analytics, editing, and reporting tasks using industry-leading expertise and our AI-driven solutions.
Our team of highly qualified, US-based, and ITAR-compliant subject matter experts provides the industry depth and expertise you need with certainty and confidentiality.
We help you understand threats and opportunities to prioritize R&D spending better and achieve your innovation potential.
We surface and organize the most relevant, actionable data to propel your business to more robust IP and better bottom-line results.
Freedom to Operate (FTO) Services
Our Freedom to Operate (FTO) patent search service helps identify potential patent barriers to commercializing your products or technologies.
Patentability Search Services
Our search professionals use Patentability Search services to help you discover and identify all art published before an invention.
State of the Art Search Services
Applying for a patent can be time-consuming and tedious, especially for individuals and businesses without experience in the field.
Evidence of Use Services
Our Evidence of Use studies provide a comprehensive analysis of market data, patents, and technical literature and map this information to products, services, and standards in use to help you identify potential infringement.
Patent Landscape Services
Our Patent Landscape services provide executives, technologists, and investors with actionable intelligence regarding the extent to which competitors protect innovations in key technology areas.
Patent Invalidity/Validity Search’s Patent Invalidity/Validity Search is performed by a team of tenured experts with a proven track record in delivering search services to whatever scale you need.
Consulting Services
Our innovation consulting team unites industry-leading expertise with premier patent software and solutions to provide the most comprehensive innovation consulting services available for your business. Using our IP Suite, we work with you to analyze complex problems, develop new ideas, map them to understand novelty and create an in-depth landscape report.
Editing Services
Sharpen your defensive publications. Well-written material protects your Freedom to Operate. Our clear, concise, discoverable descriptions remove burden from your team—and help achieve higher ROI.’s copy editing services provide structural, mechanical, and defensive publication-focused reviews of your disclosures.
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Research & Innovation News & Resources
Upcoming Webinar: Responsibly Navigating the USPTO’s Inventorship Guidance with Generative AI
Join us on Tuesday, August 6, 2024, at 12 PM ET, for this insightful webinar to learn how to responsibly use generative AI in your innovation process and ensure your clients’ invention disclosures and patent applications comply with the latest USPTO guidance.
USPTO Experimental Use Doctrine: Should it Include Legislative Action?
As political and economic pressure continues to fluctuate, it will be interesting to see how the USPTO decides to govern exemptions, if at all. As an industry leader in the patent and intellectual property industries, will be monitoring the USPTOs decisions closely over the coming months.
Safeguarding Intellectual Property; The REAL Role AI Will Play in the Future of Patent Protection
While AI has the potential to revolutionize the patent and IP industries by enhancing efficiency and innovation, it also brings a host of concerns that entities are beginning to carefully address. But what about AI’s potential ability to safeguard and protect against patent infringement, while simultaneously being used to ensure greater ideation success before patents are filed? It turns out AI has incredible potential to serve as a primary guardian of patents.